Subscription Prices
Display a grid listing of your Product's Subscription Prices. This will be automatically sorted from low to high, left to right.
You can use Stripe's Price metadata or Paddle's Custom Data to display a "Features" listing for each Price. Lemon Squeezy does not offer a way to manage this data.
The display will automatically adjust based on the number of Prices you have. If you have 1 Price, it will display as a single column. If you have 2 Prices, it will display as two columns, and so on, up to 4 Columns max on larger screens.
1// Show all Product's Prices2<x-conduit::subscription-prices />3 4{{-- OR --}}5 6// Show a single Products Prices7<x-conduit::subscription-prices :product="$product"/>
Display Example

Overriding the Display
Click here to learn how to override the display of the Subscription Prices component.