Payment Providers


PLEASE READ: Prerequisites
Before you can start selling products with Paddle, you will need to complete the set up your default payment link in your Paddle dashboard.

Click here for instructions.

Once your Paddle account is set up, please follow Laravel Cashier's instructions for setting up your billable models and webhook middleware here.

Paddle Overlay Checkout

Conduit uses Paddle's overlay Checkout modal for handling payments and subscriptions. You can customize the look and payment options within your Paddle dashboard.

Webhooks and Events

Conduit uses Paddle's webhooks to listen for events such as successful payments, subscription cancellations, and more. Below is a full list of events that Conduit listens for and what actions are taken when they are received.

  • transaction.completed = Sync any User or Guest data into their billable models then creates a new Transaction and Order.
  • customer.created = If a User is not found with Customer Paddle ID, Conduit will see if a User exists with the Customer email address and update that one. If not, Conduit will create a new Guest account with the Customer email address.
  • customer.updated = If a User does exist with the event's Customer Paddle ID, Conduit will update that User. If not, Conduit will eiter update or create a Guest account with the Customer email address.
  • address.created and address.updated = Will add or update the User's billing address (if any User is found).
  • product.created and product.updated = Re-cached all Products.
  • price.created and price.updated = Re-cached all Prices.
  • transaction.billed = If the transaction happened from a Cart, this will move the Cart into the CHECKOUT status.
  • transaction.payment_failed = If the transaction happened from a Cart, this will move the Cart into the ERROR status.
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